Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tough Mud

Tough Mudder Pittsburgh, 8/24/2013

Awhile back J and some friends attempted Tough Mudder Pittsburgh, and even completed the thing! The machismo was spread on thick for this race, I pretty much expected everyone to be sporting their own version of "PAIN IS WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY" tattoos. I observed a man duct-taping his shorts to his body. Serious business.

I guess I just wasn't man enough to do a 10 mile course while crawling through mud, freezing water, under barbed wire, through electric shocks, and up skateboard ramps. Maybe I was just man enough to pay $20 to be a spectator. I don't really see this as a personal failure, so much as a marketing fail...or a marketing success? Who knows.

Tough Mudder Pittsburgh, 8/24/2013
Tough Mudder Pittsburgh, 8/24/2013
Tough Mudder Pittsburgh, 8/24/2013
Tough Mudder Pittsburgh, 8/24/2013
Tough Mudder Pittsburgh, 8/24/2013
Tough Mudder Pittsburgh, 8/24/2013


  1. Whenever I see people compete in these kinds of races, there's a part of me that thinks, "I should do that."
    Then I remember I don't like walking my dog down the alleyways in my neighborhood because I always seem to step in a puddle and am then miserable for the rest of the walk, and come to terms with my own non-toughness.

  2. This looks completely AWESOME and AWFUL at the same time. Glad you were there to capture it on film :)


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