Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Success: Tangy Creamy Pumpkin Pie

Tangy Creamy Pumpkin Pie

I tried a new pumpkin pie this year, and it was good. Although I think it's missing a bunch of spices, maybe next time I'll try a combination of my mother's recipe and this one from The Traveler's Lunchbox. Paired with my standard combination pie crust from wikstenmade, it was quite nice, even with a slight kick of sour cream but definitely missing some spicy oomph.

Tangy Creamy Pumpkin Pie
Tangy Creamy Pumpkin Pie


  1. Gosh! It looks quite perfect to me!! Sounds delicious!!!!

  2. Your crust looks so much better than mine - back to practicing again

  3. Pumpkin pie is my absolute favorite so can you believe that I've never made it before? But you're right, it's all about the spices. This still look amazing!


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