Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tea Review: Tea Hibernation

Miss Tea's Roobois Masala Chai
It's winter, so I'm pretty much full-on hibernating. With tea. Lots and lots of tea.

I really like the above Roobois Masala Chai from Miss Tea. It's decaffeinated, not as spicy as the roobois chai I get from my local shop, and has cardamom pods as well as bits of other tasty things in the mix. A really nice assortment of flavors.

I also got Miss Tea's Gen Mai Cha as a gift, and it is also very nice. It's a green tea (sencha) with bits of toasted rice that remind me of a slight popcorn flavor. This is also a Japanese green tea like the extra green tea I described before, but the color and vegetal taste is not nearly as vibrant as it does not have any matcha in it. 'Still quite nice and interesting.

Miss Tea's Gen Mai Cha Tea


  1. Decaf...rooibos...chai?!
    All things I love. Sign me up for hibernation at your house, please.

  2. Hibernation with tea? Sounds like a lovely poem waiting to be written


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