Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Annual Cohort Holiday Dinner #6

Homemade Eggnog
It's that time of year again! 'Time to host my annual cohort dinner party and I think this year went smoother than ever before. I'm not really sure how or why, so I have no hopes of a repeat performance, c'est la vie.

The above photo is the entirety of the eggnog I made. It's only 2 servings per person. In days long gone, we'd consume about twice that. Now I have about a half gallon left! It looks like there's going to be some eggnog cake in my future.

This year I made: Dijon Mac n Cheese with Spinach, J's Kitchen Sink Chili (it always gets eaten so quickly, I don't have time to photograph it), BYOV's roasted brussels sprouts, Simply Recipe's Roasted Cauliflower with lemon and parmesan, Traveler's Lunchbox Creamy Tangy pumpkin pie with wikstenmade's combination crust, and of course, BYOV's eggnog. Everything came out quite well, and so punctual that it beat pretty much all the guests. Many of these items will be getting their own posts in the not too distant future, so recipes/reviews are forthcoming.

Guests also brought some double chocolate peppermint cookies, as well as latkes with applesauce and sour cream. You probably could've rolled me down the hallway by the end of it all!

Around the Apartment During the Holidays
Around the Apartment During the Holidays
Red Candles in Hurricane Vases
Tangy Creamy Pumpkin Pie
Dijon Mac 'n Cheese with Spinach
M's Double Chocolate Mint Cookies
Dinner Party Aftermath


  1. Your decorations look so festive! It sounds like the perfect holiday dinner. Tons of food and drink and all the cheer you can handle.

  2. You have gotten me in the holiday spirit with this post friend!!! I just love the bright lights and how cozy your space is! And the! Amazing!

  3. Dizzy's showcasing the kitchen Vanna White style.

    You could also use the leftovers to make eggnog florentines. =) Nom nom nom.

  4. Oddly enough, the eggnog florentines don't actually use eggnog! Just eggnog flavoring (i.e., eggs, cream, nutmeg, and cloves).

  5. Oooh, didn't even notice that. So you can just have eggnog cake with eggnog instead ... which also sounds pretty good.


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