Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Success: Wildflower Honey Marshmallows

I've made this recipe enough times, there's now a BYOV Honey Vanilla Marshmallow REcipe available, the way I like to make it!

Left uninspired by a $1.00 marshmallow from the Pittsburgh Marshmallow Factory, I set out on a recipe adventure...

Wildflower Honey Homemade Marshmallows with Homemade Vanilla Extract

...and returned with possibly the most elitist things I've whipped up yet: homemade marshmallows flavored with wildflower honey and homemade vanilla extract. The only other recipe in the running for this exclusive title might be the French macarons, but I need to experiment with more haughty flavor combinations.

This recipe is great for showcasing the vanilla, and a light toasting brings the wildflower honey to the forefront. Perfect.


Honey Vanilla Marshmallows Recipe
Follow Joy the Baker's Honey Vanilla Bean Marshmallows recipe, BUT:
  • Replace all the vanilla extract and beans for one tablespoon of homemade vanilla extract
  • No corn starch (I didn't have any this time around, but I use it when I do)
  • I highly highly recommend using a good quality honey for this recipe, especially if you plan on toasting the 'mallows (you should probably throw out your store bought honey, because)
  • Toasting the marshmallows is a very good idea, otherwise they stand alone in a very subtle manner
  • The secret to clean up? Scalding hot water.
  • Oh, and avoid trying to lick the bowl, lest you get yourself stuck in it.

I might try vegan gelatin next time, just so I can share with more people. Or go the egg route to take these up a notch to super fluffy, instead of just medium-density. But then, why fix what isn't broken?

Wildflower Honey Homemade Marshmallows with Homemade Vanilla Extract
Fancy Honey
Good quality honey. Use it.
The Best S'mores. Ever.

The bast damned s'mores you'll ever have.


  1. Um, yes please!! These look great. And I have heard that homemade marshmallows are about a million times better than the store bought ones. So maybe I will have to try this :)

  2. That Looks so Yummy! I heard marshmallows are hard to make, did you think so?

  3. Looks delicious - I´d love one right now..! :-)

  4. They're really simple to make, the clean up can be daunting (but that's what the hot water is for). It was really simple, and really tasty. A heckuva lot tastier than store bought.

  5. Smores' are the best part of summer! Yours looks and sounds so delicious!!

  6. Wow, what a cool idea! I never ever thought of making marshmallows, I always thought that they would take 100 hours to make! Love the flavour you chose as well, sounds delicious :)

    Oh and thank you for the links, I love them! Especially the one by Katie Makkai, what an amazing woman!

  7. Awesome. I've been meaning to make homemade marshmallows for awhile now...glad to hear that they're actually quite simple!

  8. this is amazing! i'd never even thought to make my own!

  9. oh wow, they look delicious! thank you for visiting our blog & enjoy your weekend!

  10. What a exquisite flavour! Looks amazing.

  11. This recipe sounds amazing! Any suggestions on what brands of honey to use?


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