MeMade Clothing: Three Ashton Tank Tops

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Helen's Closet Ashton Tanks (3) Helen's Closet Ashton Tanks (3)
These are not my first Helen's Closet Ashton Tops, because they're so quick and don't take much fabric! This first one is a Rifle Paper Co. Viscose in navy 'Estee'. A size 14 with bias binding for the neckline, the full-length version, with an inch added for height. Slightly messed up a hack here with front neckline lowered 2.25” and shaped into a gentle V-neck, but print is so busy, you can't even tell I had to pleat the V. French seams where it made sense to do so, as always.

Helen's Closet Ashton Tanks (3) Helen's Closet Ashton Tanks (3)
The Gingham is similar to the first top, but I scooped out the front neckline a bit to have some variety. It's Joann Fabrics viscose that I've used before, a scrap from another top I made. The Indian blockprint is a duplicate of the gingham, also made with a scrap from another top.

Summer 2024

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Summer Summer

Summer, amirite?

It's comingggggg. I can almost feel it, lol.

Summer Summer
Summer Summer
Summer Summer
Summer Summer

2024 Garden Happenings

Sunday, February 16, 2025

First Strawberries

In mid-June, I decided I wanted to grow strawberries in the garden. I got 25 earliglow junebearing strabwerry roots for ten dollars. 'Figured I was planting late, so even if only half of them made it, that'd be a good deal. Way more than half of them made it...

To make room for the strawberries, I had to move the purple asparagus to the open garden, where the rest of my asparagus is. 'Turns out the critters don't eat it, so asparagus doesn't need to be behind a fence! Most resources recommend against moving mature crowns, and just using new crowns. But I figured I had a bed of these old ones, so might as well use them. But I also got 20 new purple passion asparagus crowns for twenty dollars, also cheap, and also late in the season to be planting. But most of them came up. Now we just gotta wait another 2 years to be able to harvest from this new asparagus patch!
New Asparagus Beds Harvested Purple Asparagus

I also dug out a clump of chives to make room for three Victoria Rhubarb roots which really blew up by the end of summer! It was a real edible-perennial planting time around these parts! Excited to see what it all looks like this upcoming summer.
Baby RhubarbbabyBarb Not So Baby Rhubarb

Knitting: Poet Socks

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Knitting: Poet Socks Knitting: Poet Socks

Absolutely adore these Poet Socks by Sari Nordlund. The lace pattern is lovely in a plain yarn, like this Valley Yarns Huntingdon in 'mauve'. Makes me consider making the matching sweater...

Knitting: Poet Socks Knitting: Poet Socks

Knitting from Stash: Color Block Hedera Socks

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Hedera Socks

Yet another pair of gift socks! Butn a different pattern this time! I also like the Hedera Socks pattern as they're stretchy, but a bit more interesting with lace. A good choice for solid color yarn such as these Valley Yarns' Huntington. This pair was made with some leftover yarn from a couple previous pairs' heels and ankle-ribbing. I think it's my third time making this pattern.

Hedera Socks

Knitting from Handspun: DRK Everyday Socks #2

Sunday, January 5, 2025

DRK Everyday Socks in Handspun, Number 2

I had enough handspun sock yarn leftover from the first pair of handspun DRK Everyday Socks that I ended up making a second pair! Socks are fast and addictive to knit!
