
Friday, October 1, 2010

'High Tea' Doily

I know doilies are old fashioned, but I enjoy making them. Being primarily a lace knitter/crocheter, it goes with the territory. This is the 'High Tea' Doily by Ocie Jordan from Leisure Arts #3104, Tea Time Doilies.
'High Tea' Doily

The trick is to figure out how to make the doily more modern, and less antiquated. I like using bright color thread, or making a doily tablerunner. This rather large doily is destined to be a gift, so it's up to her what she does with it, haha.
"Dry Wedding"
I call this photo "Dry Wedding."


Kris said...

Your lace work is stunning. It reminds me of the crocheted snowflakes that my mom and grandma hang on their Christmas trees. Would there be a way to make some more modern versions of those with the same techniques?

h said...

Ah, yes, snowflakes. Part of the same thread-craft family as doilies.

I've been really digging Alicia Paulson's Christmas ornament kits. She has a way of updating embroidery/knitting/cross-stitch/etc. in the cutest way.

It'll take some brainstorming.