Success: Moroccan Spinach and Chickpeas

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sorry for all the food posts lately. I've been swamped with mid-semester work, and it's all I can do just to get food in my belly (I think everyone knows what that's like). This dish, Moroccan spinach and chickpeas, originally from SmittenKitchen, is equal parts filling, healthy, and drop dead tasty. It's a keeper for the stressful phases of life.

Moroccon Chickpeas and Spinach

I followed the halving instructions from SeriousEats, but added a pinch or two more cumin and an additional splash of tomato sauce. I swapped a package of defrosted frozen spinach for the fresh spinach, because I despise wilting the fresh greens when they can basically be purchased pre-wilted (although, you sacrifice green-color with this substitution). There was probably extra spinach, too, since I always use too much spinach. Oh, spinach!

[Edit 12/18/10: After a second time with this recipe using frozen spinach, I determined that the spinach turns black if you over cook it. You should cook the chickpeas until they are edible, and then just add the spinach right before serving, to heat it up.]
Moroccon Chickpeas and Spinach

I hope you love cumin as much as I do...
Moroccon Chickpeas and Spinach


homesprout said...

I love smitten kitchen! And cumin! We finally, and I can't believe we haven't done this before, made homemade fajita seasoning with cumin last night. It was very yummy:)

Kris said...

That looks delicious! And I happen to have all the ingredients already.. might be tonight's dinner.

h said...

I don't think I've ever made homemade fajita seasoning before...but I'm guessing yours tasted good. It had to, it had cumin in it!

Kris- this dish is simple to put together, simple to improvise...and if you make the whole recipe you'll have a decent amount of leftovers :)