日本: Cafe Culture

Monday, March 18, 2013

Cats at Hapineko Cat Cafe

Japan is somewhat known for its funky/cosplay cafes (including maid cafes, as an example). While mama cafes aren't exactly my mother and my style, we could, however, swing a cat cafe. We ended up at Hapineko Cafe in Shibuya. But first, we wandered around for 2 hours. Just as I sighed in exasperation, "Okay, I give up, let's go get lunch" the cat cafe magically appeared! Go figure.

Anyways, 2 hours of wandering and $20 later, we got to sit with some cats who pretended we did not exist, for 30 minutes. What more can you ask for?!

Cats at Hapineko Cat Cafe
Cats at Hapineko Cat Cafe
Cats at Hapineko Cat Cafe Hapineko Cat Cafe
Cats at Hapineko Cat Cafe


Nicole said...

My first thought was, if you can eat there, isn't that unsanitary? And then I was like: Who am I kidding? If I were in Japan, I'd be all up in that cat cafe!!! It seems awesome!

Carolyn Watson-Dubisch said...

Damn! That's very cool. I think I need to go to Japan!

missris said...

That sounds so, so awesome. I would pay money to get to sit and pet kitties, tea or not.

rooth said...

Hahaha, Iris this cracked me up. I hope you and your mother enjoyed yourselves, regardless of the contempt bestowed upon you by the feline species

Manda said...

I WANT TO GO TO A CAT CAFE! The kitten in the first photo looks adorable!!