black peach tea from Adagio is absolutely fantastic with some milk in it. Really very, very good.

Surprisingly low on the blueberry flavoring, this
Blueberry White Tea from Adagio is alright. White teas are usually paired with fruit, but I don't think I've had blueberry in my collection yet.

Adagio Green Rooibos Bonita supposedly has peach and strawberry in it, but all I can taste is the citrus. It's rather nice for a rooibos, but not as nice as this next one...

YAS. This
"Hugs and Kisses" Rooibos Tea from Adagio is "blended with rooibos tea, rose petals, blue cornflowers, natural almond flavor, natural caramel flavor, natural creme flavor & natural vanilla flavor". It's very very good, if you like a naturally decaffeinated rooibos with a bunch of sweetness. I'm a fan.
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