Sunday, February 16, 2025
In mid-June, I decided I wanted to grow strawberries in the garden. I got 25 earliglow junebearing strabwerry roots for ten dollars. 'Figured I was planting late, so even if only half of them made it, that'd be a good deal. Way more than half of them made it...
To make room for the strawberries, I had to move the purple asparagus to the open garden, where the rest of my asparagus is. 'Turns out the critters don't eat it, so asparagus doesn't need to be behind a fence! Most resources recommend against moving mature crowns, and just using new crowns. But I figured I had a bed of these old ones, so might as well use them. But I also got 20 new purple passion asparagus crowns for twenty dollars, also cheap, and also late in the season to be planting. But most of them came up. Now we just gotta wait another 2 years to be able to harvest from this new asparagus patch!
I also dug out a clump of chives to make room for three Victoria Rhubarb roots which really blew up by the end of summer! It was a real edible-perennial planting time around these parts! Excited to see what it all looks like this upcoming summer.
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