Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So, this is a quick/lame attempt at a how-to for making curtains. Really, there's some great videos out there on this, like this one from the folks at
You can make curtains with ruffle tops (see red/blue/white curtains below left) pretty similarly to the plain top curtains (see Matryoshka curtains below right).

Instead of giving a video or a step-by-step tutorial, I shall instead give a puzzling image. This is how I think about making curtains, when I make them (although I usually combine steps 2 & 3, and you can too if you own an iron).
What you really need to know is that curtains are pretty much the most basic of sewn items and if you can make curtains, you can actually easily add on a step or two to make other things (such as a drawstring bag, or an elastic-waist skirt), no patterns necessary. I'll be posting a quick step-by-step for a 5 minute elastic skirt on Friday, and that's the main reason for this post: to compare :)

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