Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Anyways! Whoever decided that U-Pick berry farms should also have lavender, was genius. Graysmarsh Farms in Sequim (pronounced 'squim') had raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and loganberries. It had fields of strawberries that smelt so good, we nearly hyperventilated. We ate berries until the sugar rush took us to lavender-picking, and picked lavender until we realized we were actually picking bees. So, so many bees. I spent the last of our remaining cash monies on a jar of local honey, which now sits prominently on my desk for when it strikes me to build up my resistance to local pollen allergens.
This was a tremendously good day.

It appears as though you are having way too much fun on the other side of the country. Pittsburgh would like you back now, you know. We have u-pick here too, I think :)
What a beautiful place! I miss those ferries to everywhere.
SO BEAUTIFUL! And now I'm craving raspberries.
Here here, missris!
Oh that's incredible - fields of lavender so close by! And I always thought you had to go to France for that
Such pretty photos!!! And local honey is pretty much the best. It's ruined me for store-bought honey. Same goes for berries (and jam made from said berries). I haven't made it to the farmers' market lately, so I caved and got Smuckers earlier this week. It just isn't the same. :-(
I love Sequim lavender farms - but I have yet to go to one with other fruit! Thanks for the link, I may go monday! :)
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