日本: 8 Minutes

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Liberty Osaka

The first time I tried to find the Osaka Human Rights Museum I wasted an hour lugging around my backpack and still wasn't able to find it. I even asked some construction workers, who were really only able to direct me to the train station. English is a hot commodity around here. This time around, I found the darned museum in 8 minutes. Silly, really.

Like most countries, Japan has its own history of oppressing the natives, forming an outcaste, sequestering sufferers of Hansen's Disease, shifting attitudes towards AIDS & same sex couples, and legal measures in support of eugenics. So the human rights museum has quite a bit of material to cover, and all formatted for children's consumption!

The museum itself had rather low production value, but was super informative. Sort of the opposite of the Museum of Oriental Ceramics. Two museums I was unable to find on my first trip to Osaka, both in one day!

Sometimes, if you look out of the corner of your eye, the cities look just like any other city back home. And then you run into people ordering their ramen from a machine outside the restaurant.

From Naniwabashi
Osaka Bird
Ordering Ramen


Carolyn Watson-Dubisch said...

I'm pretty sure they weren't alone in sequestering the lepers. It sounds like you're starting to adjust to getting around though!

aki! said...

Oh man, I didn't know that Japan had natives too. Sometimes I feel so uneducated.

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