Wedding Five

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It's still wedding season around here, and we're still shooting weddings! There's quite a variety in the styles of weddings I cover, but one thing remains constant: the Pittsburgh wedding cookie table.

So many cookies, so very little time (waaaay too many photos to take)!

Springwood/Shriners Springwood/Shriners


rooth said...

Ahh yes, I'm a big fan of that tradition, particularly when they give you goody bags to load up to take home too

My Garden Diaries said...

Oh come on!!! This wedding not only looks like a blast but your shots are stunning friend! You are really talented...the perspective in some of those shots are fantastic!!!

karen said...

Yes! The cookie table was at all of my relative's weddings, I'm from Pittsburgh and am polish catholic in nature :) hmm, I could go for a cookie about now...