Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I made out like a bandit this a bandit with her own personal mini gym. We've got every size dumbbell you could possibly want for Jillian Michaels or P90X3. We're big fans of 30 minute workout DVDs, and sometimes that involves resistance bands or speed ropes. Whatever the nutball in front of the camera calls for, we've now got it.

Another nutball in front of a camera. Z, photobomber extraordinaire.
I also received quite the boost to my fitness apparel. Since I've been walking as my shoulder heals the cold weather stuff is especially handy. And a few pair of stretchy capris are always nice for covering my rear during my weekly bootcamp class. Now I get to look stylin' while simultaneously being gross!

I now have all the sweat-wicking workout gear in the world!
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