Friday, November 20, 2015

If I just moved, I'm probably making curtains. Even in an apartment that comes complete with blinds.
The unfinished photos of the apartment may not highlight it, but our bathroom has a ton of counter space. And under that counter is...nothing. So we stuffed the open area with cat litter boxes and plastic drawers and laundry detergent. Like one does. I acquired a couple suspension rods and threw together these curtains from beige Ikea fabric to go with our very beige apartment.
I followed my usual curtain-making logic, which may or may not make sense. Equal parts algebra and winging-it. Mostly just winging it.

I'm jealous of all that bathroom countertop space. Quite an improvement from your last bathroom too, huh?
missris - the whole place is quite an improvement from the last place. Except generally price & size. We sacrificed BIG TIME in those areas.
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