Sunday, June 4, 2017
We're about to head down a glorious quilt journey together, in which I record all my notes while making this Double Wedding Ring Quilt from the InternetArchive / Free Spirit Fabric. I love double wedding ring quilts, so I don't think this will be my last one. Hence, in-depth notes that can also be used as a follow-along! Huzzah!
It's a paper-pieced approach, so those arcs aren't nearly as tricky to make as they look. But. Sewing curves. That's real tricky.

1. The usual: Scissors, Rotary Scissors, Cutting Mat (the larger the better), Acrylic Quilting Ruler, Cardstock, Disappearing fabric marker, Iron, Ironing Board, 4 safety pins, pins, masking tape, a 66" X 66" open space, sewing machine, needle, large quilting hoop...
2. 40 print-outs of page 3 of the pattern on as lightweight paper as possible.
3. Walking foot on your sewing machine, if you plan to quilt it yourself.
4. Throwaway thread for basting the quilt sandwich.
5. 100% cotton thread for machine quilting, piecing, attaching binding (I used a grey thread for binding, white for machine quilting & piecing).
6. [optionally] Another 100% cotton thread color for hand-quilting [yellow].
7. 4 1/3 yard fabric for the arcs (18 fat quarters, will have extra)
8. 1/4 yd fabric in two colorways for the corner squares (yellow & green).
9. 2 yd fabric for interior medallions (medium grey)
10. [optional]1/2 yd fabric for melons in different color (light grey)
11. A little less than a yard of fabric for the binding (dark grey arrows)
12. 3.5 yd backing fabric (I used about 1 yd medium grey and some leftovers from my fat quarters, combined with some extra scraps)
13. Batting (66" X 66")
My final shopping list was something like: 100% cotton thread, 20 fat quarters, 1/2 yd light grey, 3 yard medium grey, 1.25 yd dark grey arrow fabric, and an extra fat quarter or scrap for the backing.
I started with a fat quarter bundle of this lovely Blithe fabric collection by Katarina Roccella for Art Gallery fabrics. Super contemporary prints with reserved color scheme (although still plenty of color so it should match lots of decor).

I keep telling myself this will be the year I start quilting. Maybe you will inspire me!
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