Sunday, June 18, 2017
Follow along as I make Free Spirit Fabric's Double Wedding Ring Quilt.

Normally, sewing rows of fabric together is fairly straightforward. But these rows are rather pointy. I've found that it's easiest to stop sewing at each point/corner, trim the thread, remove the fabric, reposition the fabric, and then start at that last corner from a different direction and start sewing again. I dunno. It makes no sense in words. Here's some photos to go with the words.
- Pin and sew the first circle units together as you would individual melon pieces.
- Then take 2 corner-squares not sewn in last step, and re-align the fabric so they will be sewn. Pin.
Fabric re-alignment at the corner.
- Start at a previous corner square, and sew along two corner squares and across medallion, easing in fabric as usual.
- Check center seams for any flaws, and redo as necessary. Sometimes have to take out older seams and do new ones.
- Iron.
- Repeat for all remaining units in row, and for all remaining rows.
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