Friday, June 16, 2017
Follow along as I make Free Spirit Fabric's Double Wedding Ring Quilt.

Now we've gotta put together a hodge podge of 16 circle units, with 4 basic shapes, according to the pattern
The curved sewing. It never ends. At least by the time you get to this stage, it's coming more naturally.
- Determine arrangement of all melons with medallions, so there's no repetition (color balance!)
- Center & pin first medallion to melon
- Align the marked 1/4" seam intersection with the center-square's seam
- Repeat for other side.
- Sew, easing in fabric.
- Check for any flaws and fix. This whole process can involve a decent amount of seam-undoing and redoing. But it's worth it.
- Snip seam allowance with scissors and iron toward melon.
- As you add more medallions to the melon, be sure to tuck the excess 1/4" seam intersection up and out of the way
- Also, make sure when ironing that the excess intersection fabric is flat.
It gets trickier and trickier as you add more melons...
It may seem unlikely, but with easing in the fabric carefully, it can be sewn together
And the medallions come out looking okay.
- Repeat for remaining melons to create a circle unit. The pattern instructions will tell you how many circles with how many melons you need.
Arc-side of last melon being attached. Corner squares at both ends must be pinned.
A finished circle unit:
- Repeat according to instructions ~16 times. Not all circle units are a full circle!!!
- Sew individual circle units together to form rows.
- Sew individual circle units together to form rows. It's pretty much the same as assembling the circle units.
Please note: Tiny California apartment.
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