Sunday, December 10, 2017

Have Xmas tree. No ornaments. Quickly corrected with this Jingle Bell Ornament tutorial from SatoriDesignForLiving.
I generally found that the 6mm bells needed ~75x 6mm bells per wreath (~40x 9mm bells, ~30x 12mm bells). It's also handy to start with some cord (I used hemp cord), decently sturdy wire that can hold a wreath shape under the weight of the bells (I used 22gauge), some pliers, wire cutters, and a bit of festive ribbon.
- Supplies: Pliers, wire cutters, 22ga wire, hemp cord, jingle bells
- Make loop on one side of wire, wrap end around (trim if needed)
- Halfway done stringing bells (~35)
- Bells should be about 7 inches tall to make a good-sized wreath (different sized bells may require different lengths
- Use pliers to wrap wire around last 1-2 bells (secure them in place, no shifting!)
- Put end through beginning-loop
- Bend wire end into a loop, and wrap end around 2-3 times (trim as needed)
- Cut 10.5 inch of cord, fold in half, and tie a knot to secure ends together
- Basic Jingle Bell Wreath Completed
- I like to cut ~5in of decorative ribbon, thread it through the hemp loop/knot (the ugly side), and tie a bow as a final touch.

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