Harvesting: Royal Burgundy Bush Beans

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Royal Burgundy Bush Beans

Purple kohlrabi, purple carrots, purple tomatoes, purple eggplants, and now...purple beans! Royal Burgundy Bush Beans, to be exact.

Inside the Royal Burgundy Bush Beans
September 11, 2020

Supposedly, they turn green when you cook them...but none have made it into the house to be cooked so far. I like to stand in the garden late in the morning eating my fill of purple (and green) beans.

Royal Burgundy Bush Beans Bed, with Nasturtium
September 11, 2020
The lettuce/garlic/mache bed
June 26, 2020

As the lettuce bolted, I'd pull each plant out and replace with a purple bean seed. This worked sort of like succession planting, extending my bean season. As the Kentucky wonder pole beans were starting to slow down production, this pile of bush beans started producing!

Bolted Lettuce with Bean Seedlings (to replace)
July 24, 2020 - bean seedlings are the rightmost plants

Whereas the green pole beans had white and yellow flowers, these beauties have deep purple blossoms. Very, very pretty!

Royal Burgundy Bush Bean Flower

No real pests to speak of this year. Likely because I battled a good chunk of the Japanese Beetle population away from the nearby green beans. Something of the insect-type was definitely nibbling at some of the leaves, but not in any significant amount. I suspect planting these fairly late in the season likely helped us avoid some pests.

Baby Royal Burgundy Bush Beans