Tech Tip: Google Analytics

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I use Google Analytics in a shallow form, mostly to find out that the top Google keywords to bring people to my blog involve "how to make an upholstered headboard." It has a lot of other functionalities for tracking visitors and the like and all you have to do is stick some custom code into your blogger template. There's lots of beginner guides, too.

(Oh, and it's free, too)


homesprout said...

How did you install it on your blog? I just cut and pasted the code into my blog, but it didn't seem to like it...


h said...

If you're using a Blogger blog, then you're going to need to paste the code into your Template HTML code (I think in the header section).

The directions from Google Analytics for where to paste the code is prolly better than those I can give.

Adventures in Dressmaking said...

Wow, your pie chart looks so different from me! Interesting to compare colored slices!

h said...

Yeah, I think all blogs tend to get their traffic in different ways. It's sort of interesting to figure out how yours (or rather, mine, haha) got more one way rather than another.