Thursday, July 15, 2010

Yet another one of Joy the Baker's black and white cookies recipes, this one is the Blueberry Black and White Cookie. First there was the red velvet b&w cookies, and then the classic, and now these. Blueberry. Tasty.

No modifications to the recipe, although I think in the future I would add more blueberries to the icing. Maybe even more to the cookies themselves. Needs.more.fruity.goodness. Deliciousness.

'Haven't yet tested out their day 2 aesthetics (as the recipe warns), but they sure started out pretty...

I brought a handful to Cinema in the Park at Flagstaff Hill to share with some friends. Free movies + cake-like cookies + warm evening + plastic cups of wine = summer.

I've heard about cinema in the park. We almost went there a couple of times:) Those cookies look yummy. By the way, did you hear that they opened an Anthropologie in Pittsburgh city! You probably already know this, living there and all, but I'm really excited that we don't have to haul all the way over to Mount Lebanon when we go down...
I <3 Cinema in the Park...when there's a good movie playing, haha.
I've been to the new Anthro location twice now. I'm not sure it's a good thing to have one so close to me, lol. Is there such a thing as too convenient?!
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