Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I have seriously used this bag to lug my laptop + DSLR all over the world. Switzerland. Thailand. You name it. After three years of near-daily abuse, it doesn't look shoddy, it just looks like a used, three year old bag (see specimen in the above, left).
But I'm not going to say no to a lovely souped up version of my original Messenger No. 1.
The Pittsburgh-based moop team did some considerable upgrades to the bag since I received its first generation for the winter holidays in 2010. Fully lined. Stress point seams reinforced. Extra layers of canvas at the stressed out corners.
Something tells me it's going to be at least another good, long three (?six?) years before I need another upgrade.

It's rare to find good customer service like that - especially since you have been lovingly using this bag for years. Sounds like a great shop, and both bags look really nice everyday pieces. :)
I was just going trough some of my older posts & comments and noticed yours among them. Thought I'd stop by and really love your blogs refreshing "down to earth" feel. I've been surrounded by glitter and such for too long :D So I followed you :) Hope to see you visit my blog some day, if there's anything interesting enough for you :)
Indie by heart
That is awesome customer service, you don't find that too often anymore.
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