Success: Blueberry Maple Jam

Friday, July 12, 2019

Maple Blueberry Jam
The first week of July, blueberries went on sale for a reasonable-ish price. This pretty much never happens (or I never see it happening), so that makes this only the second blueberry preserve I've ever made.

This is the blueberry jam from Marisa McClellan's Preserving by the Pint, which is itself adapted from something like this recipe from House and Home and is called "blueberry crack." So, it has that going for it. I doubled the recipe, which you should never do, and ended up cooking it for twice as long as the recipe says, plus adding a tablespoon of powdered pectin (and an little extra splash of bottled lemon juice just in case). Maybe it'll set, maybe it'll just be blueberry preserves, doesn't really matter much!

I had one jar not seal (this is almost a pattern), so I get to enjoy its sugary goodness over the next few days. Maybe I'll find out if it actually sets. Or not. Who knows!

Maple Blueberry Jam