Sunday, October 12, 2014

It's getting to be autumn, so a couple weeks ago we headed to Triple B Farms in Monongahela for some apple picking. Despite the laments of some of our party that we could just pay someone to pick our apples for us (i.e., go to the grocery store), we headed 45 minutes out of town to interact with some goats, buy some cider donuts, and eat our fill of U-pick apples. Jonagold and Honeycrisp were both in season at the time, so we picked some of both.
...and ended up with too many pounds of apples, as is always the case with apple picking. I see some apple butter in my future. 4 lbs of apples should make about 2 cups!
While not as mobbed as the strawberry festival [probably because Triple B's Autumn festival runs every weekend through November], Triple B's autumn festival wasn't terribly crowded but still filled with the usual gimmicky "farm" activities. A rope maze, bouncy castle, fried foods, pony rides, and hay rides. Apple picking is a quick activity, if ripe apples are aplenty, which adds an extra incentive to the 45 minute drive.

APPLE CIDER DONUTS, FOOLS. I've been looking for these for ages!

Apple cider donuts are on my list of things to make... I still haven't ever had one before and feel like I'm desperately missing out on something special
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