Sunday, November 16, 2014

Carlsbad Cavern, pretty standard caves except they're GIGANTIC. 4,000 feet by 625 feet and 255 feet tall. A pretty intense collection of stalactites and stalagmites.
As we bought our tickets to walk down to the caverns, the ranger drilled us on where we've been. "Have you been in Europe in the past 3 years?" (Um, yes). "Have you been subterranean Europe in the past 3 years?" (Probably not). "Have you been in subterranean North America in the past 8 years?" (Maybe, but not in these shoes, this clothing, and we've cleaned the camera since then). Apparently, going underground repeatedly has an increased chance of transferring white nose syndrome to cave bats. Poor little guys.

AZ/NM Vacation
Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, 1 day
Roswell & Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1 day each
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