We now get into the heavy driving portion of the road trip. After the last
bout of National Parks we stopped by the
Very Large Array, a radio telescope in New Mexico.
Contact was filmed here, and so, naturally, Jodi Foster narrates the educational intro movie at the welcome center. 'Not much else to do but walk around and marvel at the sheer enormity of the radio dishes. The location was selected for its isolation from civilization's radio pollution, and the large empty space.

We spent the night in Santa Rosa, NM across from The Blue Hole which was a little underwhelming. From there, we made our way through Amarillo, TX home of Cadillac Ranch and the Big Texas Steak Ranch. If you've ever wanted to eat a 72oz steak with fixins on an elevated timer, while a one-hour timer clock ticks down above your head, this is the place. Or you can just sit in a booth and eat like a normal person.
Cadillac Ranch is also a classic Rte. 66 attraction. A bunch of old Cadillacs in the middle of a corn field, that people spray paint. Lots of empty bottles all over the place.

We made it to Little Rock, AK that evening and stayed in the fanciest $100/night hotel. Free omelette station for breakfast!
I've never actually eaten at the Big Texan Steak Ranch - any good??
Man, Texas is so Texas-y sometimes.
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