DIY Himmeli Wreath

Sunday, May 12, 2019

DIYed Himmeli Geometric Wreath
Another piece from the Art I'm Digging post. I've now got about ~10 of those pieces I recommended ;)

I followed this DIY Himmeli Geometric Wreath tutorial from VintageRevivals and ended up with this lovely [frail] white wreath for above the headboard in the guest bedroom. Once the walls are repainted, there will be more contrast to view the wreath a little better.

I think next time I'd go for wider straws, instead of thin coffee stirrers.

DIYed Himmeli Geometric Wreath DIYed Himmeli Geometric Wreath
DIYed Himmeli Geometric Wreath
There's still so, so much work to do in this room! The ceilings, the floors, the doors, the walls. Everything. But at least there's a bed, curtains, and artwork!