Sunday, March 1, 2020

In the autumn, I take the deer netting down so the deer don't get tempted to learn how to jump over it. The netting is nice because it's low profile, allowing me to still see the veggies growing from afar.
- Dig a ~6" wide, 12" deep ditch around the perimeter of the garden
- Sink T-posts into the corners, wrapchicken wire around with 8" above, and at least 6" bent horizontally
- You'll need to cut a line at the corners to wrap around
- Fill ditch back in with dirt
- Zip-tie 7' sturdy stakes into the t-posts
- Attach deer netting to top of sturdy stakes with zip ties. Secure deer netting to chicken wire with zip ties, and to the ground with landscape pins
- Done!
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