Sunday, November 29, 2020

Stuffed squash just isn't that picteresque the day after, but it has little bearing on the flavor. This was a semi-improvised recipe, as I had a 16.5lb Blue Hubbard Squash I wanted to eat for the holidays. Only thing is that 16.5lbs is an awful lot of squash! So I decided to roast it, and stuff one half with the Caramelized Onion and Kale Stuffing from SmittenKitchen. I just used my pre-roasted squash to do the last 30 minutes of the stuffing baking. It turned out great, but like previous stuffed winter squashes I've made, I'm not really sure why the squash is there. It just doesn't match. Seems like a random add-on.

To roast the 16.5lb blue hubbard squash you simply preheat the oven to 400 degrees, cut the squash in half, remove the seed guts with a spoon, oil the cut sides, place cut side down on a baking sheet, and bake for 1 hour. Once you do that, you can stuff it with whatever you like and ook for another 30 minutes:

It came out tasty enough! The caramelized onions really make the dish, though!
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