Sunday, September 26, 2021

When one has lots of garden produce, you end up with some interesting garden-based dishes. For instance, with lots and lots of purslane, as well as bunches of Chocolate Cherry Tomatoes, you end up with this Purslane Tomato Omelette from India1948. 'Would definitely make again - it's a very good spin on an omelette, with no cheese, and turmeric in the eggs to give it that orange color. But there is lots of purslane and tomatoes from the garden in there. And when I mean lots, I mean:

August 13, 2021
I have this habit of picking up the purslane that appears all over a yard and transplanting into open spots in the garden. From there, it fans out, and with a bit of annoying cleaning, one ends up with this healthy green in the fridge for all sorts of additional meals...

Do others treat purslane as a weed? Do I see it growing in the cracks of people's driveways? Yes, but it's still edible. Much like dandelion, but perhaps not quite as persnickety about when to be harvested! However, it is fairly easy to confuse purslane with it's (sort of) look alike toxic friend, spotted spurge. I have both of these growing throughout my yard, so it's helpful to know how to identify purslane from others.

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