Wednesday, October 6, 2021
2021 is year 2 of growing Cherokee Purple Tomatoes. They did well enough last year, and I still had plenty of seed, so why not grow more?! I have 2 Amish Paste, 2 Purple Cherokee, and 2 Black Cherry Plants. The rest of the tomatoes I started were all donated to friends (or didn't make it through a toasty day in which I forgot to remove the garden cover).

August 20, 2021
The above photo appears to show four different types of tomatoes, although I'm only growing three varieties! One of my Cherokee Purple plants produced not purple, but perhaps pink tomatoes. They still have the "green shoulders" of Purple Cherokee, although the shoulders are actually yellow. I believe the color shift is due to a difference in the tomato flesh, not necessarily the tomato's skin. I've saved seed for next year, so we'll see what we get then!

August 21, 2021
Snacking tomatoes! So good.
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