Friday, November 12, 2021

Around Madison, WI there's likely a great deal of things to do. However, in the midst of a pandemic, we attempted to go light on the indoor activities. And that is how we ended up at The National Mustard Museum in Middleton, WI.

It was a sort of silly, tongue-in-cheek museum with a great gift shop (lotsa mustard). We ended up buying quite a lot of mustard, especially after our taste test. Kelley's Mustard was a really great find from this little part-day trip.

On another day we took the dogs to Mount Horeb to view the "Trollway". Basically, the main thoroughfare through a small town with a handful of troll statues along the walk.

Mount Horeb did happen to have an absolutely killer make-your-own-gourmet-soda-six-pack store. I got lots of weird ginger ales and berry sodas. J got some RC Cola, and adventurous cream sodas.
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