Wednesday, August 10, 2022

August 31, 2021
Last year I gave our two Japanese Spirea a deadheading after their first blooming, which lead to another round of flowers for the bees! I followed that up with a more severe shaping pruning, because they were still a mess from 4 years of no shaping or pruning.

May 3, 2022
So, this was a slightly better shape, but I still wasn't loving it. Still so many dead branches from neglect. So I did my research and determined that Japanese Spirea can be chopped to the ground in early spring and will return with a younger, better shape. A rejuvenative pruning a la the forsythia.

May 18, 2022
So I cut them to the ground in early May, and a couple weeks later we had some promising regrowth! I suspect by the end of the summer they'll be in much better shape and ready to look lovely for next year.

May 18, 2022
While I was at it, I did a milder pruning of the shrubby cinquefoil or "buttercup bush". I cut it back by about half...and by the looks of it, I should go back in and cut off the dead branches around the bottom.
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