Spinning: A Chiengora-Merino Woollen Yarn

Sunday, March 19, 2023

White Chiengora Yarn Mix - done White Chiengora Yarn Mix - sorting for scouring

It's been a bit since the first dog yarn, which was mixed with the gray fleece. But now we see what the fancy white merino fleece was intended for! A lovely, lustrous mix of 50% fine white merino & 50% chiengora.

White Chiengora Yarn Mix - hand carding White Chiengora Yarn Mix - rolags

I hand-carded a small sample and spun in woollen-style, so that it can complement its sister yarn, the green angora-merino-alpaca that will both serve as a gift to a young crocheter friend.

White Chiengora Yarn Mix - 3 plies