Sunday, June 21, 2015

Those felt flowers, leaves, and asparagus I made awhile back had a very specific purpose: three boutonnières and one focal boutonnière. My inspiration came from the following two images, both of which are lovely and involve an asparagus-like stalk.

I must say, the final pieces don't miss the mark by much:

- Gather Supplies: felt asparagus, five petal flowers, felt flower buds, split stitched felt leaves, felt peony, scissors, hot glue, needle, thread, felt to match the size of the felt leaf, clip and/or safety pins.
- Determine your layout.
- Sew asparagus to leaf as invisibly as possible. I attached it slightly off center, with enough space at the bottom for a five-point flower to fit.
- Sew first flower, two stitches through the center beads. I attached my first flower to the bottom of the asparagus.
- Sew second and third flowers, similarly to the first. I attached the second flower to the leaf, and the third flower to the side of the asparagus.
- Secure thread to back of leaf. I sometimes add a drop of hot glue to be extra secure.
- Put a drop of hot glue at the bottom, back of a flower bud.
- Attach flower bud, with other flowers hiding its bottom/attachment point.
- Attach more felt flower buds in a similar fashion until satisfied with the aesthetics.
- Cut and hot glue leaf backs (should be slightly smaller than the actual leaves) to the back of the bouquet. This will hide any stitches on the back of the leaf and also strengthen it all a bit.
- Cut felt squares, small enough so that you can slide the safety pin or clip through its width.
- Place and sew the felt square to the back of the leaf. I like to double secure these stitches with a line of hot glue when I'm done.
- Slide a safety pin or clip through the felt square on the back.
- Done!

such an AWESOME job. such tallent!
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