Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Following my own advice from machine quilting the triangle quilt, I put together this design. The quilting is done diagonally at a 45 degree angle, except for the 4 colorful paws blocks. Somewhere along this process I forgot that you should only use thread that's as strong as the fabric (i.e., cotton thread with cotton fabric). So that when the fabric starts to disintegrate, the stitches come out with it, too. So, this quilt was made with a mixture of 100% cotton and 100% polyester. That's life.
During the sandwich phase I ensured that the grey square in the middle of the colorful paws would be all on one backing fabric so I can embroider in the middle (!!!). So instead of continuing the diagonal quilt lines through the colorful paws, I sewed in the ditch around the paws, forming three squares.

Modern Bear Paw Quilt
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