I acquired a handful of these Eames for Herman Miller naugahyde shell chairs with h-bases on craigslist several years ago. Even when I first purchased them, four of the chair feet were broken off and there weren't any good tutorials, or even just photos, of how to replace them on the Internet. So, four years later and here I am with two more broken chair glides and a brief tutorial on how to repair/replace them!

You can see in the photo above, a broken chair glide with the plastic sleeve and wire still stuck in the chair's leg shaft.
Step 0: Gather Materials

You will need a hammer, pliers, and a new chair glide. I get mine on
eBay with a search for 'eames herman miller shell chair glides' but you can also purchase them new from
Step 1: Flip the Chair Upside Down and Remove Plastic Sleeve

Flip the chair upside down. Using your pliers, twist the plastic sleeve that's stuck in the metal chair leg left and right, while also pulling upwards. I have next to no upper arm strength, but with a bit of patience, this method works every time. Don't give up!
Step 2: Dislodge Metal Stopper and Wire within Leg Shaft

The metal stopper and wire should still be stuck inside the metal leg shaft. In order to dislodge it, I place a screwdriver into the leg shaft until it hits the metal stopper (off center), and then I gently tap the screwdriver with a hammer until the metal stopper dislodges.
Step 3: Turn Chair Right-Side Up to Remove Metal Stopper

Flip the chair right-side up, and the metal stopper and wire should slide right out, onto the floor. Return the chair upside down so you can continue working.
Step 4: Place the New Glide into the Chair Leg Shaft

Place your new glide onto the chair leg shaft, you may have to hold it in place.
Step 5: Hammer the New Glide Further into the Chair Leg

With a hammer, carefully tap the new chair glide further into the metal leg shaft until it won't go any further.
Note: It is better for the new plastic sleeve to not be all the way in the tube, rather than break the new glide!

Step 6: Turn the Chair Right-Side Up and You're Done!
Very nice - I'm still in awe at people who find such vintage goodies and restore them. It's a special superpower in my eyes
This is exactly the information I needed! The internet is awesome. Thanks for taking the time to show how it's done.
Okay so mine is similar but it has a metal foot or glider? It’s like metal, then a rubber washer, and a nail sticking out. Should I fill the existing hole with cork or something?
Where did you buy the new glides?
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