Sunday, July 6, 2014

A work trip lead me to Boulder, Colorado for nearly a week. One look around campus, and a walk up the Boulder Creek Path to Pearl Street, and I was convinced I should move in permanently. It is so flat, except where it's not. You can see lightning storms from miles away. I didn't get out to Rocky Mountain National Park, but you can bet I'm placing that one on the 'todo' list.
You guys, there's a JoAnn Fabrics walking distance from campus. Walking. Distance.

Did you get a chance to go hiking while you were up there? The foothills are wonderful to just walk around
I'm sold. Let's all move to Boulder. Also, tell me more about this beer you sampled.
That area is seriously my favorite place in the world. or at least the US.
Since there's lots of Remote Sensing centers, companies, etc in Boulder a lot of my friends from Uni have gone there for conferences, summer programs and the odd semester. I've yet to go, but they all love it. There's even a joke going around that phd students and post docs visited the area once, and return as cleaners just so they can live there.
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