Sunday, June 11, 2017
Follow along as I make Free Spirit Fabric's Double Wedding Ring Quilt.

This is a pretty simple process, removing the fabric arcs from their paper templates, but it's also easy to put too much stress on the seams and rip apart the fabric. So this is what I do.
- Fold first paper rectangle over, along seam
- Fold back, and carefully pull at seam perforation. Hold down seam if necessary.
- Pull until paper rectangle is removed
- Repeat for remaining rectangles.

Sew Corner Squares to Half the Arcs
You should have 40* 2.5" squares of fabric in one color, and another 40* 2.5" squares in another color. My squares are a darker teal and a goldenrod color.- For one quarter of the arcs (i.e., 20), you need to sew a square in the first square color to either end of the arc. Then do the same with the other color of square for another 20 arcs. So half the arcs should now have squares on either side.

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