Sunday, October 27, 2019
We had some friends over who don't eat meat, fish, or dairy. So I put together a few of my favorite meal items...which also happen to be vegan. Who knew?!

Salad was a broccoli/kale salad kit with sunflower seeds and dried cranberries. Salad kits really are the easy way out.
This was accompanied with Orangette's Red Lentil Soup w Lemon & Olive Oil, which I make a lot. I pre-made the soup in the morning, refrigerated it, and just reheated it on the stove top before serving.

The main entree was Morroccan Chickpeas with Spinach, although I lightened up on my usual overdose of cumin as the soup was also cumin-heavy. I made the chickpeas with everything but the last step of mixing in the spinach, and then added the spinach in a few minutes before we wanted to eat. It worked well, although keeping the chickpeas warm longer than usual probably dried them out a bit more than usual.

Now, the dessert is the one item that had eggs and so wasn't vegan. It's the lemon olive oil cake from Gourmet which I've made a few times before. It has eggs, but no dairy. So can work for certain dietary restrictions. If I had to go fully vegan, I'd swap this out for sorbet of some sort. For the actual dinner, I topped the cake with cherries in rosemary honey syrup, but here it's pictured with some homemade grapefruit jam from a friend.

That lentil soup looks amazing!
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