A frost was predicted for the night, so I hurried up and lopped off a bunch of chives and ended up with a few different preservation techniques:
1. Flash frozen (jar)
2. Chive Butter
3. Frozen whole
4. Frozen in olive oil (not shown)
5. Air-dried (not shown)
Frozen Whole. Cut the chives off the plant, leaving about 4" on the plant. Placed into a Ziploc bag and all the air sucked out. Then frozen.

Flash Frozen. Chopped up, laid out on a silicone mat on a cookie sheet, and then frozen for an hour. Quickly placed into a jar and stored in the freezer.

Frozen in Olive Oil. Chopped up, placed into an ice cube tray, topped off with olive oil, and then frozen.

Chive Butter. 1/4 cup of chopped chives, mixed in with a stick of salted butter. Rolled back in plastic and frozen.

Air Dried. This is an experiment that probably won't turn out. This is the process I use for
drying my basil. Hang it up in a dark, dry closet and let it air dry for weeks.
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