Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Above is the mildly flavored Squash Blossom Frittata from HonestCooking, with a small onion + chives from the garden to replace the leek, and one grey [garden] zucchini instead of 2 yellow squash. I also added 2 strips of diced bacon for a pinch of flavor. The frittata mostly just tastes like cheese with a hint of bacon flavoring. But I suppose it's super healthy (minimal milk, cheese), so that's a thing!

But the squash blossoms I did not swap out, as I have a super abundance of them. Occasionally I'll munch on one of the mild-zucchini flavored blossoms in the garden, but this is my first time cooking with them. You should harvest them in the morning before the sun makes them wilt. I went for early afternoon on a cloudy day and it worked alright. You do indeed have to shake the flowers after picking, as the majority of the blooms I picked had pollinators inside. I also only picked male blossoms (the ones that don't have a tiny green fruit under the flower), because there's usually more male flowers than female flowers.

The 6 squash plants I have going are starting to take over the entire garden, so it's not much of a stress to gather up a nice crop of squash blossoms.

August 16, 2020
Up next, stuffed zucchini blossoms? Fried zucchini blossoms? Who knows!

I LOVE cooking with squash blossoms! Here's one of my favorite recipes:
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