Friday, September 18, 2020

I picked up one Little Mama Tomato from a gardening friend (local plant swaps FTW), and that's how I ended up with this hybrid paste tomato that is a prolific producer of perfect plum tomatoes. Quite the contrast to my Cherokee Purple heirloom tomatoes which always seem to come out gnarly!

They are just beautiful on the vine, forming nice little clusters of ~6 or so tomatoes that ripen closely to one another.

I ended up slipping this solo plant on the West side of the bean tunnel. This means later in its life it gets shaded out by the tall beans, but early on it gets plenty of sun. And it still ends up with 8+ hours of sun anyways, because my north-facing garden was originally set-up by a very smart gardener.

June 15, 2020 and July 13, 2020
I also try to pick these at the pink stage, before the critters can get to them!

They got hit by some spotted leaf diseases a little earlier than my 3 Cherokee Purples, but that was only a month or so before first frost, so not the end of the world!

August 29, 2020
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