Sunday, September 27, 2020

This Table King Bush Acorn Squash is another victim of poor vegetable garden planning! I planted it under the A-frame trellis, just north of my 2 summer squash, and south of 3 winter squash which overtook the rellis.

July 6, 2020
Basically, it got shaded out and I should not have been surprised!

July 11 and July 28
It too suffered from a bit of the yellow-ness of the new large raised bed. But eventually got over it enough to produce one acorn squash! Which I did not notice growing until it was fully grown! I ended up harvesting it a little early because it was difficult to reach back there, but when I drizzled with brown sugar and butter, and placed in the oven to bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes it was perfectly edible. As it's a winter squash, you're supposed to let it ripen on the vine until its stem is dried out...or until the first frost, whichever is first. Maybe next time?

It was supposed to produce 4-5 fruits, not 1. I thionk next year I might try planting a couple in the open garden, maybe between the garlic and asparagus in the same row?

August 14, 2020
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