Another wedding, another doily. This one is the
29-45 doily from Pierrot Yarns. The pattern would be in Japanese, but it's actually done via a chart! I've never read a doily pattern from a chart before, but I've made
plenty of doilies, so it wasn't too tricky to figure out. It was, at times, difficult to read on my print-out, so I'd just go to the PDF and zoom-in to see what's what.

I rather like doilies in fun colors. Makes them feel a little less stuffy or something. This pattern has a little less negative space than most I prefer, which menas it took a bit longer. I also usually prefer a little more pineapple pattern to it, but this one is alright. It's a little different from my usual and I like it. Who knows if the recepients will!
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