More Knitted Shawls

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Completed (and Blocked) Uraidla Shawl My 5th Uraidla Shawl

As if the first 3 weren't enough, I've gone and made two more of the Uraidla Shawl. So this makes 5!

Daydream & Sandalwood Uraidla Shawls

This time, I've moved away from the blue-grays, and into the warmer lilacs and dark pinks. The lilac yarn I've had for ages - since before we left Pittsburgh. I took to doing a bunch of Russian Joins to resolve any weak/split sections, combined it with a newer ball in a different color scheme (alternated skeins), and ended up with a slightly smaller shawl than usual. Many years ago, I used some of this 'daydream' color to knit up a pair of Mary Jane baby booties...which has understandably reduced the quantity of yarn in my stash, lol. No matter! We still got a shawl out of it!! Just, maybe, with fewer bobbles and a shorter garter-stitch border. C'est la vie!

Uraidla Shawl - garter edging vs. bobble compairson

What's really very fun about knitted lace is that the pre-blocked, finished garment always looks sort of "blah." But then, a soak in some water & a stretch out with pins, it magically transforms into this wonderful fabric. The yarn-overs relax, and you lose a bit of springiness, but the drape of the knitted fabric really blooms.

1. Completed Shawl
2. Soak knitted garment for 20+ minutes
4. Roll-up in a towel, walk-on to remove excess water
5. Stretch and pin to desired shape, allow to dry 1-2 days.

These two are also made from 3 skeins each of the discontinued Rowan 4 Ply Soft yarn. At some point, I'm no longer going to have access to these yarns and will have to find a substitute...or maybe I should find another pattern!


rainmelon said...

What a model. Perfect shawl, perfect dog =).

rooth said...

LOL I love your shawl model