Sunday, June 19, 2022

May 11, 2022
I've talked a little about mâche (or corn salad, or lamb's lettuce) around here, particularly, collecting the seeds and as one of the plants that is almost too accelerated by a hoop tunnel. Since they so readily self seed, and they're ready to harvest + go to seed before anything else goes in the garden, I don't really plan my mâche too much. I just let it do its thing.

March 12, 2022
In mid-March the self-sown seedlings appear, even without a hoop tunnel. And once they're decently big, it's a good time to thin out the smallest ones (i.e. eat them), so the healthier plants have a better chance.

May 12, 2022
By mid-May, the leaves are pretty much full-grown and only a week or two from going to seed. The leaves are still fine after they've gone to seed (unlike lettuce leaves, which turn very bitter when the plant bolts). I never really get a large, "salad-sized" harvest, although, if I pulled most of the plants up in mid-May (letting a couple go to seed for next year), then I might! I rather prefer sitting in the garden and sharing leaves with the dog.
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